Inspiring Chat
Luni, 28 februarie 2022, postat de Ronkov Lucian
As part of the European Universities initiative, the EUDRES and EINS projects are organizing an Online-Paneldiscussion / „Inspiring Chat“ on March 1st, from 17:00 to 18:30 EET on the topic “entrepreneurial universities as drivers for (regional) innovation systems – fact or fiction?“.
The panellists are:
1) Klara Brandstätter (Managing Director of I.E.C.T.):,
2) Diana Andone (Director of the E-Learning Center at UPT:,
3) Todd Davey (Director Strategy and Perfomance at UIIN:,
4) Ludovit Garzik (Managing Director of the Austrian Council for Research and Technology Development):,
The event will start with a short (max. 10 min) impulse from Lodovit Garzik based on his recently published book “Successful Innovation Ecosystems” (
The panel discussion will take a closer look at the role of universities within (regional) innovation systems, addressing the expectations of different stakeholders, (unused) opportunities and challenges, good practices and approaches for strengthening the innovation capacity of universities.
More details and registration link can be found at:
The „Inspiring Chat“ is part of the EIT HEI Pilotproject E.I.N.S. (, the E³UDRES² Entrepreneurship and Innovation Network for Smart and Sustainable Region, run by the European University E³UDRES² ( and UIIN, the University-Industry-Interaction-Network (
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